Essential Tips for Building a Backyard Pool

A backyard pool is a fantastic way to enhance your outdoor living space, offering numerous benefits beyond just a place to swim. A well-designed pool can serve as a hub for family gatherings, a serene retreat for relaxation, and a stunning focal point that elevates the aesthetic appeal of your home. Moreover, it can significantly increase the value of your home, making it a worthwhile investment.

However, the key to reaping these benefits lies in thoughtful planning and meticulous design. From the initial concept to the final touches, every step of the process requires careful consideration to ensure the pool integrates seamlessly with your landscape and meets your needs. Choosing the right backyard pool design and selecting quality materials are crucial decisions that affect your pool's functionality and longevity. Equally important is the proper placement within your landscape to maximize enjoyment and safety.

Tip 1: Strategically Assess Your Goals and Budget

Before you dive into building a pool, it's essential to start with thorough initial planning. This stage sets the foundation for a successful project that meets your needs and enhances your outdoor space. Here are the key steps in the initial planning process:

Assessing Your Needs and Preferences

Understanding your primary reasons for wanting a pool will help shape the design and features you choose. Consider the following:

  • Family Usage: If you have children, you might want a pool with a shallow end and safety features. A larger pool with plenty of space for games and activities is ideal for families.

  • Entertainment: If you enjoy hosting parties, consider adding a poolside bar, an integrated sound system, or a spacious deck for lounging and socializing.

  • Fitness: A lap pool or a pool with designated swim lanes can benefit those focused on exercise. Features like resistance jets can also enhance your workouts.

  • Aesthetic Preferences: Consider the style and design best suits your home and landscape. Do you prefer a sleek, modern look or something more natural and freeform?

Budget Considerations

Your budget will significantly influence your pool's type, size, and features. It's crucial to establish a realistic budget early in the planning process. Consider the following expenses:

  • Initial Construction: This includes excavation, pool shell, plumbing, and electrical work. Costs vary depending on the pool type (in-ground vs. above-ground) and materials used.

  • Landscaping and Decking: Budget for the surrounding landscape and any additional hardscaping, such as patios, pathways, or outdoor kitchens.

  • Ongoing Maintenance: Factor in the cost of regular maintenance, including cleaning, chemical balancing, and potential repairs.

  • Additional Features: Extra elements like lighting, water features, and heating systems will add to the overall cost.

Assessing your needs and establishing a budget is key to a successful backyard pool project. With careful planning, you'll be well on your way to creating a beautiful and functional outdoor oasis.

Tip 2: Receive a 3-D Design from Land Design by Armstrong

Land Design by Armstrong can help you navigate the complexities of pool design and construction, ensuring your project runs smoothly and meets your expectations. Here are some benefits of consulting with Land Design:

  • Site Assessment: A contractor will evaluate your backyard to determine the best location for the pool, considering factors like sun exposure, drainage, and existing landscape features.

  • Design Expertise: Our in-house design team can offer design recommendations that enhance the aesthetic and functionality of your pool, ensuring it complements your overall landscape.

  • Regulation and Permits: Our team can assist with understanding and obtaining necessary permits, ensuring your project complies with local laws.

Our landscape designers emphasize that the perfect pool design is crucial in creating a backyard oasis that meets your needs and enhances your outdoor space. Here are critical considerations for choosing the right pool design:

Types of Pools: In-ground vs. Above-ground

  • In-ground Pools: These pools are built into the ground, offering a permanent and customizable option. They add more value to your property and can be tailored to your specific design preferences and landscaping. In-ground pools are typically made of concrete, fiberglass, or vinyl.

  • Above-ground Pools: These pools are easier, quicker to install, and generally more affordable. They can be an excellent option for smaller yards or a temporary solution. Above-ground pools come in various sizes and shapes but offer less customization than in-ground pools.

Popular Pool Shapes and Styles:

  • Rectangular Pools: Classic, versatile, rectangular pools are ideal for swimming and lounging. Their straight lines complement modern and traditional landscapes alike.

  • Freeform Pools: These pools have irregular shapes that mimic natural bodies of water. Freeform pools blend seamlessly into naturalistic landscapes, creating a relaxing, organic look.

  • Infinity Pools: Known for their stunning visual effect, infinity pools create the illusion of water extending to the horizon. They are perfect for properties with a view and add a touch of luxury.

  • Lap Pools: Long and narrow lap pools are designed for swimming laps and exercise. They are an excellent choice for fitness enthusiasts and can fit into narrower spaces.

Custom Designs to Suit Your Landscape

Custom-designed pools offer the flexibility to fit your backyard's specific dimensions and contours, ensuring seamless integration with your landscape. This tailored approach ensures that your pool aligns perfectly with the existing environment, making it a natural extension of your outdoor space. Additionally, custom designs allow you to match the pool's style with your home’s architecture and existing outdoor features, ensuring a cohesive and harmonious look. This attention to detail creates a unified aesthetic that enhances your backyard's overall appeal and functionality.

Incorporating Additional Features:

  • Spas: Adding a spa to your pool area provides a space for relaxation and therapeutic benefits. Spas can be integrated into the pool design or constructed separately.

  • Waterfalls: Water features like waterfalls add a soothing sound and a visual focal point to your pool. They can enhance the natural feel of a freeform pool or add elegance to a modern design.

  • Slides: Slides can be a great addition for families with children or those who love a bit of fun. They come in various styles and can be designed to blend with the overall aesthetic of your pool.

Choosing the right pool design involves considering the type, shape, style, and additional features that will best suit your needs and complement your landscape. By carefully planning and customizing your pool, you can create a beautiful and functional outdoor space that enhances your lifestyle and adds value to your home.

Tip 3: Don’t Rush Selecting the Materials for Your Backyard Pool

Choosing the right materials for your custom pool is a critical decision that affects its durability, cost, and maintenance. It’s often easy to rush into selecting materials, but our advice is to research options and visit showrooms to see what looks and feels the best for your backyard pool. Here's an overview of the most common pool materials and their respective pros and cons:

Overview of Different Pool Materials:

Concrete: Concrete pools are highly customizable and can be shaped to fit any design. Due to their strength and versatility, they are a popular choice for in-ground pools.

  • Pros: Highly durable and customizable; can be built to any shape or size; long-lasting.

  • Cons: Higher initial cost; longer installation time; more maintenance required to prevent algae and staining.

Fiberglass: Come pre-formed in various shapes and sizes. They are known for their smooth surfaces and quick installation times, making them a convenient option.

  • Pros: Quick installation; low maintenance; smooth surface is resistant to algae; durable with proper care.

  • Cons: Limited to pre-formed shapes, higher upfront cost than vinyl, and difficult to modify once installed.

Vinyl: Uses a flexible liner that fits into a pre-excavated hole, balancing customization and affordability. They are available in a range of designs and colors.

  • Pros: Lower initial cost; smooth, non-abrasive surface; customizable with different liners.

  • Cons: The liners must be replaced every 7-10 years; they are more susceptible to damage from sharp objects and require careful maintenance to prevent leaks.

Factors to Consider: Durability, Cost, Maintenance

Durability: Consider how long the material will last and how well it will withstand environmental factors. Concrete is the most durable but requires more maintenance. Fiberglass is long-lasting and low-maintenance, while vinyl offers moderate durability and needs liner replacement.

Cost: Initial costs can vary significantly. Concrete pools are the most expensive due to their customizability and labor-intensive installation. Fiberglass pools have a higher upfront cost but lower maintenance expenses. Vinyl pools are generally the least expensive initially but may incur additional costs for liner replacements and repairs.

Maintenance: Evaluate how much time and money you will invest to maintain your pool. Concrete pools require more frequent cleaning and chemical balancing. Fiberglass pools are low-maintenance, with fewer issues related to algae and staining. Vinyl pools need regular monitoring to avoid liner damage and leaks, but their smooth surface is easier to clean.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select the material that best suits your needs and ensures a long-lasting, enjoyable pool experience. Whether you prioritize customization, quick installation, or low maintenance, understanding the pros and cons of each material will help you make an informed decision.


Building a backyard pool is a fantastic way to enhance your outdoor living space, offering numerous benefits beyond just a place to swim. A well-designed pool can serve as a hub for family gatherings, a serene retreat for relaxation, and a stunning focal point that elevates the aesthetic appeal of your home. Moreover, it can significantly increase the value of your property, making it a worthwhile investment.

However, the key to reaping these benefits lies in thoughtful planning and meticulous design. From the initial concept to the final touches, every step of the process requires careful consideration to ensure the pool integrates seamlessly with your landscape and meets your needs. Choosing the right backyard pool design and selecting quality materials are crucial decisions that affect your pool's functionality and longevity. Equally important is the proper placement within your landscape to maximize enjoyment and safety.

You can create a beautiful and functional outdoor oasis by strategically assessing your goals and budget, working with professionals like Land Design by Armstrong, and carefully selecting materials and design features. With the right planning and execution, your backyard pool will provide endless enjoyment and enhance your outdoor living experience for years to come.


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