Maximize Sustainability with Energy Efficient Landscape Design

Are you considering an energy-efficient landscape design? Land Design by Armstrong's energy-efficient landscape architecture embodies the perfect synergy between aesthetic appeal and ecological responsibility. This offers a pathway to enhance outdoor space and significantly reduce carbon footprint. Transform your garden into a sustainable sanctuary with innovative practices such as water-saving xeriscaping, intelligent irrigation systems, and the strategic use of synthetic turf.

Xeriscaping and Zeroscaping in Utah

Xeriscaping is a sustainable landscape design method that uses drought-resistant plants and efficient irrigation techniques to create visually appealing, low-maintenance gardens that significantly reduce water usage.

Zeroscaping is a landscaping approach that minimizes water use and maintenance by focusing on the use of very few or no living plants. It often relies on rocks, gravel, and other non-living decorative elements to create a visually appealing yet practical outdoor space, distinct from the more plant-focused approach of xeriscaping.

Our holistic approach to xeriscape design and zeroscape design marries the beauty of design with the pragmatism of conservation. This significantly reduces water usage, energy consumption, and ongoing maintenance demands. Xeriscaping in Utah includes an array of native plants that thrive in Utah’s natural rain cycles. Our team of landscape designers and architects takes a unique approach to blending colors and textures that match your home and its surroundings, creating a mountain-forward xeriscape design approach to maintain a modern landscape design.

Optimize Water Usage with Landscape Technology

Energy-efficient landscaping with us means stepping into a future of landscape technology. Your garden, yard, and outdoor area contribute positively to our environment while decreasing your water bill. Implementing an intelligent irrigation system is one of the best decisions a homeowner could make. The result? A landscape that dazzles while conserving water. Reimagine what our outdoor spaces can be and witness the transformative power of energy-efficient landscape design.

Synthetic Turf

By integrating a cutting-edge, energy-efficient landscape design practice such as synthetic turf you will minimize water usage. We source the highest quality synthetic turf materials to ensure that your outdoor space is not just a sight to behold but a testament to eco-friendly innovation.

Do you know about incentives and rebate programs for energy-efficient landscape design?

The "Flip the Strip" program encourages property owners to replace water-intensive grass strips with drought-tolerant landscaping options. By participating, property owners benefit from a reduction in water usage and enhance their property's aesthetic appeal through an energy-efficient landscape design.

Additionally, there is the Landscape Conversion Incentive Program. Conservewater.Gov shares that, “To encourage the use of waterwise plants and landscape principles, the state is incentivizing the replacement of lawn with waterwise landscaping through Utah Water Savers.” Eligible locations are included in our service areas.

Land Design landscape contractors are experts in achieving a water-wise landscape design that is both functional and beautiful. Contact us today to learn more about how our team can support you in a rebate or incentive program for your home.